So what happened in Saugeen?

Expired Vaccines

Leslie Michelson, Media relations with Indigenous Services Canada (ISC), reports that the expired doses originated from Grey Bruce and had an expiration date of August 9th. The vaccine administration dates were August 13 to September 9th.

Michelson said she recognizes the concerns that this has caused in the community and has committed to enhanced training and education for the administering nurses. 

Canada does provide vaccine administration verification steps for health care practitioners to follow. In addition, patients are encouraged to ask questions about their health care and what medications they are receiving.

The ISC vaccine protocol will see attention, stated Michelson; however, it’s unknown if the Ministry Of Ontario vaccine consent form will also be revised to include a section to have expiration dates.  

Immediately after learning of the incident, ISC launched an internal investigation. ISC immediately contacted Saugeen First Nation leadership, including the health director, band manager, community COVID-19 safety lead and Chief Lester Anoquot. ISC and Saugeen First Nation leadership developed a course of action plan, which was approved by Chief Anoquot. The Department also coordinated with the Grey Bruce Public Health Unit, where the expired vaccine doses originated.

Leslie Michelson, ISC Media Relations

New York

Eight hundred and ninety-nine people in New York City were given expired doses and subsequently required revaccination just two months prior. But, of course, this is of little comfort for anyone experiencing this latest situation firsthand.

What happened in Saugeen should not have happened. 

Millions of doses expired in August 2021 worldwide, and Canada’s stockpile was no exception. The rush to develop the vaccines themselves contributed to the overstock; however, Vaccine Manufacturers were providing updates regarding mass expirations.

No one should be receiving expired doses.

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