Forbidden Fruit: Residential School Stories

It was just a cruel time; I just remember how bad the food was, being hungry and just being a little kid, I was strong enough to rebel, and that’s what I did; it was well worth the punishment.

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Moosemeat and Marmalade Meet Landback.

There are only some relationships that fuse perfectly without deliquescing. The mingling of traditional Onkwehonwe cuisine and culture of Art Napolean with Dan Hayes British fare and flair is the foundation of the brilliant television series Moosemeat and Marmalade.  The Art of Visiting So when the duo visited local culinary jewels Yawekon and Dixieland Grill, It caught no one…

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Small But Deadleh

That’s not all; given the prevalence of diabetes within Onkwehonwe communities, it is exciting to know that some microgreens are beneficial in reducing the stress that limits Cellular Glucose Uptake and allowing for optimal cellular absorption.

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Call for Support for Local Group

Allies of Onkwehonwe The grassroots group, “Allies of Onkwehonwe,” collaborates with minds and spirits that seek to raise awareness of environmental and Onkwehonwe issues. The group has members from both Six Nations and surrounding communities.  Members have a passion for the environment and support the Kuswenta, and it is these two principles that are behind the…

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Legal Discrimination

Is there a point in time when discrimination becomes legal? The short answer is no, but the extended and more accurate response is, well, that’s where things can become confusing.  Its a phenomenon often found in already ​​marginalized populations where ethnicity and gender play a role in obtaining the sparse services. Changes cause an upset…

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The Misdiagnosis of Child Abuse: A Series of Events 

Many valid interventions result in appropriate protective services involvement. This Story isn’t one of them

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